Young women with large breasts, middle-aged people with enlarged and sagging breasts after giving birth and weight gain, and women who have gained weight after menopause and have breast enlargement complaints are ideal candidates for this surgery.
All people with large breasts are suitable candidates for breast reduction surgery. Young women with large breasts, middle-aged people with enlarged and sagging breasts after giving birth and weight gain, and women who have gained weight after menopause and have breast enlargement complaints are ideal candidates for this surgery.
As a rule, these operations, which we expect to complete the development of the breasts, are not performed before the age of 18, except in special cases.
Breast reduction surgeries are always scar surgeries; During your first examination, you will be given detailed information about the location and size of the scar that will occur due to the size and sagging of the breast.
In our first meeting with you before the surgery, your detailed breast examination and measurements are made and the desired breast size is decided. Before your surgery, mammography/breast USG is required according to your age and family history. Having a basic radiological image before the breast procedure is important for subsequent follow-ups. When 1 year has passed since your surgery, mammography/breast USG is repeated.
Your surgery is performed under general anesthesia and takes approximately 2.5-3 hours. At the end of the operation, the hoses (drain) that collect blood from the nipple entrance to be removed after 12 hours are placed and your bra is put on. After breast reduction surgery, you will have mild pain that can be controlled with simple painkillers. Your stay in the hospital is 1 day. You can take a shower after 3 days, return to work after 1 week, get on a plane, and start light sports activities such as walking.
It can be said that the lactation rate of patients who underwent reduction surgery is similar to that of normal women. Except for excessively large and drooping breasts, reduction surgeries do not completely prevent milk production.